16 April 2006

New Year in Life

As I begin my 28th year in life (syukur alhamdulillah for it), Id like to record my appreciation to those who took time to wish me a happy annual journey ahead, namely my parents, the dear who asked a yellow feline to send me a card (the party animal delivered it early by a few hours but who cares, coz you get to be the 1st :D), my mak cik, Aunty,MOKL, WSW, YahooIM friends Ady-DB (sending greeting half a week ahead dont really count, but whos taking notes, so thanks ya) & JC-SB1, plus not forgetting the automated prompts of Capital FM, Jobstreet, VirtualTourist & CHIP Asean Forum. If I accidentally missed out anyone, dont worry, Ill append this post later. :) I shall stop before I start getting melodramatic.

How did I spend the day? Besides going to Tesco Express for milk & spoiling myself to a large mix doner for dinner, I basically stayed at home. …………… yup.. Ill try to get a life soon & hopefully, someone to share it with too. :D

Till later, live long & prosper.

P.S.: The photo wasn't taken today, but is one of my more recent ones.

Addendum on 17042006: Thanks too to yeech & NAAR for the belated wishes.
Addendum on 18042006: FLMA & WRWMA gets added to the appreciation list. I shall close the list now. Anyone else falls under the generic thanks. :)

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